Kyrock Elementary School

 Kyrock Elementary School Data:

Kyrock Elementary School

5720 Hwy. 259 North

Sweeden, KY 42285

fax: (270) 286-4603

phone: (270) 286-4013

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Please click on the S.T.O.P. logo to report an unsafe situation in one of our schools (bullying, drugs or alcohol, violence or other risky behaviors). We will get to your issue within 24 hours of the next school day. This service is NOT for emergencies requiring immediate attention. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 911 immediately. If you want someone to contact you regarding the situation, be sure to leave your contact information in the report. Otherwise, the report is anonymous. Thank you.​ 

Mission Statement:

The Kyrock Elementary School Staff accepts the responsibility of providing a balanced curriculum which includes the use of available resources, professional expertise, the cooperative efforts of the school and community, and a conducive learning environment to develop all students into confident, productive, and self-sufficient individuals.