What is a Family Resource Center? The Edmonson County Family Resource Center operates as a part of the school system to serve the needs of elementary school students and their families. The purpose of the Family Resource Center is to help students overcome barriers to learning. By meeting the physical, emotional and social needs, the Family Resource Center helps prepare students to learn.

Who can use the Family Resource Center? The Family Resource Center receives a state grant based on the number of students eligible for free school meals. All students and their families enrolled in the elementary schools can use F.R.C. services, regardless of income of the families. The F.R.C. services will be especially helpful for those students who are at risk of not performing well in school.

What kinds of services are provided?

Referral to health services

Family crisis services and referral to mental health services

Referral to after school child care for children 4-12 years of age.

Referral to full-time childcare for children 2-3 years of age.

Support and training for child day care providers.

Education to enhance parenting skills and education for preschool parents and their children.

Want to know more? For more information about the Family Resource Center and its services, feel free to call. Office hours are from 7:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. (Additional office hours available by appointment)